When you want to know which are the latest trends in the world of porn gaming, you have our site where you can experience all of them for free. We are the platform that’s always on the lookout for the latest releases on the internet. We know where to search the games and how to test them before we upload them on our servers. There’s a list of quality criteria that a game must check before we make it part of our collection. We care about the quality of the graphics, about the gameplay experience, and most importantly, we care about the cross-platform availability. Long are the days when you had to go on your PC if you wanted to play some naughty games. If a game doesn’t work on both PC and Mac and also on Android and iOS, we either make it work or we give up on featuring it in our collection.
This collection is pretty sizable already, because the rate at which new games are released on the web is pretty impressive. But at the same time, new titles are added to the list on a weekly basis. All the games of our sire are browser based, which means that you will play them directly on our site, with no need for download or install anything. Besides the fact that the games are free, we offer them with no restrictions and no strings attached. You just browse, choose and play instantly. Let’s see what the internet is offering!
When we started this website, we were excited to see what trends became popular and what classic porn categories are still wanted by players. One thing didn’t surprise us, and that was the popularity of family sex games. They are still wanted by the public and we have the latest releases in this collection. Along them, from the lines of trends that never die, you will find BDSM games, but it’s interesting to see that we start getting games in which dominatrices are punishing male slaves. The cartoon parody sex games are also popular and so are the hentai games with famous anime characters.
When it comes to new trends that gained popularity in the past year, we notice an increase in the fetish game niche. You can play on our site the latest pregnancy and impregnation games, along with hardcore sex games featuring feet play, but also some wild furry porn games and My Little Pony games.
What’s curious is that more and more women seem to play sex games in the past years. That’s why developers started to create content for the ladies too. And they seem to enjoy lesbian games, and text-based games with good erotica stories. But that doesn’t mean they don’t like dirty things. Amongst the games popular with women, you will also find some featuring rape fantasies and cheating fantasies. And there is also a new category that comes with some innovation. We’re talking about the new games for couples and their element of real-life interactivity though the gameplay that offers you guidelines on how to have a better sex experience.
Our new website is ready to welcome today’s adult players and offer them a platform that will please all their technical needs. You will find everything you need for excellent navigation and browsing. You will find the game you feel like playing in no time, because our library is well organized and the content is properly tagged. Once you find it and hit the play button, the game will load up in a new page. The loading time is between ten and 30 seconds, depending on the size and complexity of the game. The page where you will play the game also comes with rating options and with a comment section.
Our servers are ready to welcome thousands of players at the same time, and we do that in the most secure and discrete way possible. Because you don’t have to register on our site and because we never ask for any personal data, you can be sure that no one will know who you are while you game on our platform. With that being said, you’re ready to enjoy all our new games. And make sure you come back because we upload a batch of New Porn Games on this site every single week.